Exceptionally rare Staff & Field Officers sword manufactured by Blaise Douglas of Columbia, South Carolina. This sword is considered “one-of-four known” examples from this maker, which is patterned in similar manufacturing characteristics as Louis Froelich of the “Confederate States Armory in Kenansville, North Carolina. The overall length is 37.25 inches, with blade length of 31.75. The scabbard is original as manufactured by B. Douglas, sheet iron body-lap seamed, soldered brass rings and throat. Brass drag has distinct rondelles at each terminus, being unique to this manufacturer. Pierced letters CSA incorporate into guard, which is cast, not “cut-out”. This example is very similar to that of Froelich manufactured swords of same pattern with minor differences, most notably, no pierced slot above the letter “C”, taller ferrule and no Froelich ever-dyed grips, to match branch of service. Grips of black dyed leather and twisted wire on grip wrap. This rare sword is in amazingly fine condition, with the addition of being “bullet or grape shot” struck at scabbard area, creating a 1/2 inch gash, which does not affect the insertion of the blade into scabbard. With the exception of being “tastefully projectile struck” this example is in a state of “exceptional original” preservation. Provenance: Steve & Patricia Mullinax Collection.