sku: 1625 category:

Dufilho Presentation Staff Officers Sword

Manufactured by Agrider H. Dufilho of New Orleans, is one of the finest works of art to be created in the South during the American Civil War. Regarded as “without equal” for the highest level of ornate embellishment, is the “world class” Dufilho “Pelican Feeding Young” Presentation Staff Officers Sword. Produced by Agrider H. Dufilho of New Orleans, during the American Civil War for high ranking Confederate Officers. Dufilho was listed as a cutler in 1856, at 86 Customhouse, from 1857-1859 located at 96 Customhouse and in 1860 located at 21 Royal, throughout the war. Dufilho manufactured some of the finest examples of Officer swords known to exist, with his signature ornate embellishments of heavy gold gilding and unequaled die work. This example retains heavy gold gild on all metal surfaces, with hilt profile revealing finely decorated quillon, knuckle bow and pommel. Fine quality leather wrapped grip with slight center swell. Top of quillon, interior line decoration and two step rise in the center of the pommel. Blade is stamped at ricasso, Dufilho / N. Orleans. Scabbard body is wood with leather covering, with large brass mounts, scalloped edges which are also gilded. Ex William A. Albaugh & Kevin Hoffman Collection.